• Register

Data Files

Vitalware provides access to raw data files on a scheduled basis. Files are natively delivered in JSON or can be customized to your specifications.

LCD, NCD, NCCI and MUE Edits

  • LCD Edits
  • NCD Edits
  • Policy and Article PDFs
  • NCCI Edits
  • Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE)


Referential Information


  • Code Detail*
  • CPT Guidelines*
  • Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE)
  • Modifiers
  • Modifier Guidelines
  • Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS)
  • Revenue Codes**
  • Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC)
  • Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)
  • Add-on Codes
  • CPT Medicare Crosswalk
  • Standard Analytics File (SAF)


  • Code Detail
  • Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE)
  • Modifiers
  • Modifier Guidelines
  • Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS)
  • Revenue Codes
  • Add-on Codes


ICD-10 Codes and Referential Information


  • Code Detail
  • Coding Guidelines
  • Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries
  • Alphabetic Index of Diseases and Injuries
  • Neoplasm Table
  • Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  • The Alphabetic Index to External Causes


  • Code Detail
  • Coding Guidelines
  • PCS Tables
  • Alphabetic Index

Code Mappings and Crosswalks

  • GEMS Forward and Reverse Mapping
  • Sherpa Primary Lookup ICD-9 to ICD-10 concept-based mappings
  • CPT to HCPCS Crosswalk

Fee Schedules

  • Relative Value Units (RVU)
  • Ambulance Fee Schedule
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Fee Schedule
  • Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS)